We got to go up to Northern California to Nevada City to visit our good friends Jen and Kyle Lind. They have girls and Joel and Katelyn are only 2 weeks apart! I picked up April in San Jose and road tripped it with a nursing 4month old and a potty training toddler....good times! ha! The drive was long, but once we got there it was poolside hangouts and goo gooing over babies, with "Monkey La La's" (a Honduran adult beverage) every night! So fun and worth the long haul. I have some pretty amazing friends! Miss them all already! We also hit up the train museum in Sacramento on the way home...Wes was in heaven!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Photo Card

Storytime Blue Baby Announcements
Personalized cards for babies, Valentines, Easter and Mother's Day.
View the entire collection of cards.
Friday, February 18, 2011
San Fran
Friday, January 28, 2011
Blow The Snause
However, at night, we can't sit there and clean his nose or we would never get any sleep. So we showed him how to wipe his nose when it ran. Well, this is the result. We cracked up in the morning when half a box of tissue ended up all over the place. But I guess that's better than boogs all over, kinda!
Big Boy Bed
so those of you who know, Wes is a HUGE fan of anything that moves. Planes, trains, and automobiles so to speak. Well, we could not resist when we found this on craigslist. It was perfect (we hoped.)
So we went to pick it up and brought Wes with us. When we arrived at the house to pick up the bed, he hopped out of the truck, and there sitting in the driveway was this new car bed. Needless to say, Wes saw it and ran full speed towards his new "vroom vroom!" So from that moment on, it's been dubbed the "Vroom vroom, nigh night!"
Ok, so we were still nervous about the transition from house arrest (the crib) to big boy bed (freedom to roam.) We were ready for the challenge. So the first day we had the bed, we just let him play on it. The next day at nap time, we moved the bed into the room next to the crib and gave him the choice of crib or bed. He chose the bed of course and we explained that if he did not stay in bed that he would end up in the crib. Well, it worked! First nap and he stayed in the bed the entire time, even waited for us to come and get him when he woke.
So that's it, I know, sounds too easy, but that's how it went down. And now he sleeps in his new vroom vroom nigh night all night long. We just hope it stays that way, but we'll take it!
Monday, December 13, 2010
6 Months
Here is an official belly picture at 6 months. Can't believe I only have 4 more to go until I meet this little boy!
A sweet picture of our first born at the Christmas tree farm. He was more into the bounce house and the lights than picking out a tree...not surprising!
PS we started potty training this week. He seems open to it (willing to sit on the potty, tells me when he is wet/poopy, and has gone pee on the potty several times) but I almost gave up this afternoon. Its day 3 and he seems really upset (cries) when he has an accident but I am having a hard time getting him to relax enough to go pee all at once. He pees a little then gets up and says all done and wants his M&M, but I know there is so much more in there and he ends up peeing his pants. Any suggestions or helpful tips from those who have been there before because I am exhausted and not sure if I should continue. Anyone potty trained a boy around 2 years old? Also, I am not suppose to leave the house until he can hold it or go on the potty consistently???
Monday, November 29, 2010
Of course the bigger kids wanted to do the fast rides and Wesley and his entourage stuck to Fantasy land and the like. Highlights were:
1. The Carousel. He kept saying, "More neigh, more neigh"- so cute! Good thing there was basically no line so we did it over and over again!
2. The Pixar parade. It had all his favorite characters from the movies- Lighting McQueen, Sully, Nemo, etc! It was so sweet to see his face light up when he saw them!
3. Small World ride. It was decorated for Christmas and playing Christmas music- I got teary eyed watching his young mind take in all the wonders. I kept looking at Dave saying, "Can you believe this is our kid and we are at Disneyland with him!" Sometimes it just hits you afresh what a blessing it is to have a child and experience the world again with them- Thank you Jesus!
4. Train ride. There is a train that runs along the outskirts of the whole park and makes various stops. Wesley is so into cars and trains it was so fun taking him on a real one with a steam engine and all!
PS we are all wearing dorky blue hats because Dave's dad bought them for us and insisted we wear them so we could spot each other.....humiliating- yet effective....so we caved...
PPS- If you didn't already know we are having a BOY!!! Yes Wes will get a brother and I will be living in a house of testosterone....what is a girl to do!?! I guess get use to trucks, trains, and boy humor and try to stay as girly as possible. We are stoked and can't wait to meet our new little man!
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