Angelina and Daniel visiting with friends.
Silent Auction
The amazing original painting Dave and I bid on and won!!! It looks incredible in our living room above the fireplace.
Messina Seymour caught cupcake handed!
Now we need to pray that the chemo treatments are working and that God would heal him of the cancer....if he can part the waters of the Jordan he can certainly take this cancer away.
Presents, food and friends always a mix for a good time. (mmmm cheesecake my fav!)
Hand-made hooter hider...try and say that 3 times fast!
Auntie April with adorable style in clothes and presentation- Go Mustangs!
I was really happy to get the carseat- I've been told this is the only essential item (you can't take your baby home without it)
Chrisan and Nana- my experienced advice givers. PS-Nana won the "How big is the belly" string game...not really a suprise seeing as she knows me better than anyone.
My favorite onesie so far- Dad will be so proud!
Who doesn't like bath toys?
Cake, games, presents and good friends- this mama and baby boy are so blessed!